NICO Life is focused on the administration of life insurance services and as such outsources its investment duties to its sister company, NICO Asset Managers Limited, a specialised investment subsidiary of NICO Holdings.
NICO Asset Managers Limited manages investments of pension funds under NICO Life. They ensure that the investment portfolio is well-balanced, diversified and properly hedged to ensure security of the funds and generation of real and consistent returns. All investments are guided by the Investment Policy that is approved by the NICO Life Board. Quarterly Investment Committee meetings takes place to receive the Investment reports and ensure that investment mandates are adhered to optimisation of investment returns is being done in line with benchmarks.
With the help of the investment managers, NICO Life has commercial property investments in the Northern, Central and Southern Regions of Malawi. Additionally, the company also has residential properties and share investments in several companies.
For more information on the profile of the Investment Managers, NICO Asset, click here.